Thank you for taking the Eship DiSC Assessment!

Here are your results.  A PDF version will be emailed to you shortly.

Also, make sure to watch the free video below from the DiSC: A Language For Behavior online course!

Most (Adaptive, Expected of Me)

Adaptive Style is how the applicant sees themselves needing to behave in order to function effectively. Responses are influenced by what the applicant thinks is expected of them in the environment selected for conducting the profile. If the Most graph is different from the Least graph, then the applicant should explore whether or not the perceived expectations are valid. Significant differences between the two graphs may indicate that a lot of energy is being used to meet expectations instead of being used to function effectively.

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Least (Natural, Core Behavior)

Natural Style reflects the applicants most natural, learned behavior in the environment selected to conduct the profile.  This natural, core behavior comes from the “Least” answers on the profile and reflects selections for which the applicant feels less guarded and less influenced by others. The natural style takes the least amount of energy to maintain and allows the applicant to focus on functioning effectively in their selected environment. If the applicant is using extra energy to function in an adaptive style, they will tend to revert back to their natural style when tired or stressed.

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©2024 Leadership Institute For Entrepreneurs (a DBA of Eship Global Inc.)

Would you like to learn more about what your DiSC Assessment means?

DiSC is one of the most widely used behavioral style instruments in the world. It can be learned in a day, and effectively utilized the rest of your life. This course provides a common language of behavior that allows you to recognize, understand, and value, the general characteristics of the four basic behavioral styles. It helps you identify your own “core” behavioral style so you can recognize your own strengths and potential limitations. DiSC will guide you into developing an action plan to interact more effectively with others, in any behavioral setting, by addressing their motivating factors, and avoiding their fears.