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IDE Facilitator Resource Center

Welcome to the Identity Driven Entrepreneurship (IDE) Qualified Facilitator Resource Center

This resource center includes all the essential IDE course information, materials, and resources for qualified facilitators.

Below are the sections that containing information and quick links for the IDE Facilitator:

  • Course Materials
  • Student Online Course
  • LIFE App and Learning Videos
  • Course Certificates

Please let us know what else you would like to see made available in the DE Facilitator Resource Center. Email us with your questions and suggestions at

IDE Course Facilitator & Participant Materials:

IDE Facilitator Manual: This is your go-to guide for facilitating the IDE course! This manual includes tips for facilitators, learning objectives, discussion questions, practical assignments and grading rubrics for each video.

IDE Course Workbook: Print or email students the course workbook. Fill in the blanks correspond with the videos.

IDE Supplemental Information: This quick reference document provides students with all the key concepts covered in the course as well as suggested action plans. Consider emailing this to students at the close of the course.